Our staff have over 30 years of experience working on land and water resources. We have dedicated our life to preserving the environment and ensuring that land activities protect our water. We understand the environmental compliance world and understand how important our land resources are to the water quality and water quantity in our watersheds.
Kimberly Ann Elkin is an Aquatic Ecologist with a B.S. in Environmental Biology and a Chemistry minor. An M.S. in Zoology/Ichthyology. An M.S. in Waters Resources Policy and Management with 22 years of experience as a professional biologist working with tribal, state, federal, consulting, and nonprofit organizations. She understands the science and policy aspects of water and watershed management. Email watershedlifeconsulting@gmail.com for a copy of her resume
Amie Robison, aka "The Pond Lady" is an Aquatic Ecologist and co-owner of Robison Wildlife Solutions, specializing in management and restoration of private waters in Oklahoma. She received her B.S. in Biology with a Conservation minor, from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, and her M.S. in Zoology from Oklahoma State University. Email watershedlifeconsulting@gmail.com for her resume
Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
Affiliate Member of Central Oklahoma Stormwater Alliance (COSWA)
Provisional Member of Association of General Contractors (AOGC)
Member of Society for Freshwater Science (SFS)
Member of Instream Flow Council (IFC)