Watershed Life Consulting

Navigating environmental compliance for your operation can be daunting. Let us collect water and soil samples and work with state government to keep your operations in environmental compliance. This will also protect your watershed and prevent pollution onto our land and into our water.

The protection of Oklahoma’s natural resources is essential to protect human and environmental  health and adhere to water quality standards. The demands for water are increasing due to increased population, competing uses of the water, limited supply, and cycles of drought in Oklahoma. Marijuana requires approximately two gallons of water per day per plant to grow. In the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan (OCWP) completed by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) in 2010, the goal was to consume no more water in 2060 than in 2010. A bold goal that didn’t consider the estimated 9,000 commercial medical marijuana operations across the state of Oklahoma due to the passage of legalizing marijuana in 2018. If Oklahoma is to achieve this bold goal by 2060, water sustainablilty and reuse must be considered for these operations. Since medical marijuana was approved in 2018, the number of commercial operations across the state has been placing a strain on water resources. Impairment from improper disposal of marijuana grow facility wastewater containing excess nutrients and chemicals is impacting soil and water quality.


Environmental compliance of the recently approved Oklahoma Departement of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) General Permit OKG42T0000 has been unenforced due to the rapid explosion of this industry. With limited state personnel available to regulate and enforce environmental regulations, there is a need for collaboration between regulators, marijuana grow facilities, and environmental consultants. Water quality and water quantity can be improved in the state if we 

continue to monitor and assess wastewater discharge standards in an effort to continually improve permit requirements. 


Statement of Purpose

Watershed Life Consulting LLC provides services to assist marijuana grow facilites obtain compliance with environmental regulations. We offer over 30 years of combined experience working on environmental issues, particularly focused on water quality, water quantity, water policy, wastewater, stormwater, and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for improving all aspects of water resources.



Vision and mission

The purpose of Watershed Life Consulting LLC is to:

o   Provide service to enhance environmental protection which exceeds not only our customer’s standards, but excel at the progression of our own watershed management expectations. 


o   Our mission is the expectation of using diverse environmental knowledge to manage and protect each unique quality within the watershed.


o   Provide exceptional environmental compliance to our clients to ensure that requirements 

are met to keep operations running with the protection of the environment a priority.



Goals and objectives   

Watershed Life Consulting LLC aims to achieve the following goals and objectives:

1.     Implement environmental compliance standards for commercial marijuana operations

-       Take quarterly samples of water quality with pH, conductivity, nitrogen, and phosphorus as parameters to measure

-       Take yearly soil samples with soil type, infiltration, color, texture, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium as parameters to measure


2.     Manage wastewater at each operation

-       Establish Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to reduce pollutants from entering  into groundwater and surface water

-       Examples of BMP’s are bioswales, raingardens, and stormwater retention basins


3.     Manage stormwater runoff from each site

-       Incorporate BMP’s on site to help reduce pollutant loads into bodies of water

-       Examples of BMP’s are bioswales, raingardens, and stormwater retention basins

4.     Implement water reuse technologies at each operation

-       Incorporate the latest in technologies that allow for treating wastewater to water quality standards that allow the use of that water to be recycled and reused again

-       Examples of water reuse involve recycling wastewater back into the facility for use on plants


We understand that protecting water is important, and we dedicate our lives to doing such. Our consulting service will provide the tools necessary to understand and comply with the ODEQ permit and OWRB permit. We strive to review permit modifications and work for the grow facility.


Our Target Audience includes: 


1.Grow and cultivation facility


2.Extraction facility


3.Processing facility


4.Licensed transporter


5.Licensed researcher


6.Licensed laboratory 


7.Environmental attorney


8.All employees at grow facilities

Scope of Services Offered  

We are able to offer a dynamic set of skills with professionals having a combined 30 years of environmental, education, policy, water management, and regulatory experience. We are excited to offer skills such as: 


Water quality sampling and analysis: Water quality probes will be used to analyze water samples for nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS, conductivity, and pH. Analysis will be completed using probes and recorded via spreadsheets for permit requirements on a quarterly basis. Reports will be compiled.


Soil sampling and analysis: Soil samples will be taken to determine soil type, pH, potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Yearly soil samples will be taken for the five year permit and reported via spreadsheets as part of the permit requirements. Reports will be compiled.


Land assessment: Land will be assessed using current land prices per county.

Training: Training for facility employees will be provided for environmental protection knowledge on site.


Consultation: A phone consultation will provide assistance to owners when needed to ensure proper environmental protection measures are in place. In-person consultation will occur when taking water and soil samples as well as dealing with any wastewater issues and implementing BMP’s on site. 


Environmental Protection: Proper protocols will be in place to ensure environmental compliance at the facility. Permit requirements will be adhered to along with reporting requirements as well as ensuring the facility maintains wastwater and chemicals properly.


Pollution prevention: Education about how best to prevent pollutants from ending up in the water will occur. Educational workshops will ensure compliance at each facility.


Water policy and regulatory support: Oklahoma regulations related to the cannabis industry will ensure water policy regulations are followed. A regulatory framework will be followed to ensure water regulations are adhered to.


Quality assurance (QA) and QWAPP: Quality is key when ensuring environmental compliance and each facility will receive a QA for their operations.


Waste management: Waste management is handled by Enso Solutions. 


Mapping: A map of where water and soil samples are taken. Wastewater will be mapped out along with locations of BMP’s.


Water Resources Management and water reuse: Managing water resources properly will ensure water needs are met with water reuse being considered and implemented when possible.


Pond and wetland assessment: Ponds and wetlands located on-site will be evaluated to ensure pollutants aren’t impacting these resources. Where possible, BMP’s will be implemented.


Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI): These will be implemented when possible on-site at each facility. Facilities will have to be ready to invest in these practices if these options will help achieve environmental compliance and prevent pollutants from entering the watershed.


Watershed Life Consulting

Navigating environmental compliance for your operation can be daunting. Let us collect water and soil samples and work with state government to keep your operations in environmental compliance. This will also protect your watershed and prevent pollution onto our land and into our water.

Project proposal created. First meetings with state government who regulate operations. Meeting with OMMA

The protection of Oklahoma’s natural resources is essential to protect human and environmental  health and adhere to water quality standards. The demands for water are increasing due to increased population, competing uses of the water, limited supply, and cycles of drought in Oklahoma. Marijuana requires approximately two gallons of water per day per plant to grow. In the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan (OCWP) completed by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) in 2010, the goal was to consume no more water in 2060 than in 2010. A bold goal that didn’t consider the estimated 9,000 commercial medical marijuana operations across the state of Oklahoma due to the passage of legalizing marijuana in 2018. If Oklahoma is to achieve this bold goal by 2060, water sustainablilty and reuse must be considered for these operations. Since medical marijuana was approved in 2018, the number of commercial operations across the state has been placing a strain on water resources. Impairment from improper disposal of marijuana grow facility wastewater containing excess nutrients and chemicals is impacting soil and water quality.


Environmental compliance of the recently approved Oklahoma Departement of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) General Permit OKG42T0000 has been unenforced due to the rapid explosion of this industry. With limited state personnel available to regulate and enforce environmental regulations, there is a need for collaboration between regulators, marijuana grow facilities, and environmental consultants. Water quality and water quantity can be improved in the state if we 

continue to monitor and assess wastewater discharge standards in an effort to continually improve permit requirements. 


Statement of Purpose

Watershed Life Consulting LLC provides services to assist marijuana grow facilites obtain compliance with environmental regulations. We offer over 30 years of combined experience working on environmental issues, particularly focused on water quality, water quantity, water policy, wastewater, stormwater, and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for improving all aspects of water resources.



Vision and mission

The purpose of Watershed Life Consulting LLC is to:

o   Provide service to enhance environmental protection which exceeds not only our customer’s standards, but excel at the progression of our own watershed management expectations. 


o   Our mission is the expectation of using diverse environmental knowledge to manage and protect each unique quality within the watershed.


o   Provide exceptional environmental compliance to our clients to ensure that requirements 

are met to keep operations running with the protection of the environment a priority.



Goals and objectives   

Watershed Life Consulting LLC aims to achieve the following goals and objectives:

1.     Implement environmental compliance standards for commercial marijuana operations

-       Take quarterly samples of water quality with pH, conductivity, nitrogen, and phosphorus as parameters to measure

-       Take yearly soil samples with soil type, infiltration, color, texture, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium as parameters to measure


2.     Manage wastewater at each operation

-       Establish Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to reduce pollutants from entering  into groundwater and surface water

-       Examples of BMP’s are bioswales, raingardens, and stormwater retention basins


3.     Manage stormwater runoff from each site

-       Incorporate BMP’s on site to help reduce pollutant loads into bodies of water

-       Examples of BMP’s are bioswales, raingardens, and stormwater retention basins

4.     Implement water reuse technologies at each operation

-       Incorporate the latest in technologies that allow for treating wastewater to water quality standards that allow the use of that water to be recycled and reused again

-       Examples of water reuse involve recycling wastewater back into the facility for use on plants


We understand that protecting water is important, and we dedicate our lives to doing such. Our consulting service will provide the tools necessary to understand and comply with the ODEQ permit and OWRB permit. We strive to review permit modifications and work for the grow facility.


Our Target Audience includes: 


1.Grow and cultivation facility


2.Extraction facility


3.Processing facility


4.Licensed transporter


5.Licensed researcher


6.Licensed laboratory 


7.Environmental attorney


8.All employees at grow facilities

Scope of Services Offered  

We are able to offer a dynamic set of skills with professionals having a combined 30 years of environmental, education, policy, water management, and regulatory experience. We are excited to offer skills such as: 


Water quality sampling and analysis: Water quality probes will be used to analyze water samples for nitrogen, phosphorus, TSS, conductivity, and pH. Analysis will be completed using probes and recorded via spreadsheets for permit requirements on a quarterly basis. Reports will be compiled.


Soil sampling and analysis: Soil samples will be taken to determine soil type, pH, potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Yearly soil samples will be taken for the five year permit and reported via spreadsheets as part of the permit requirements. Reports will be compiled.


Land assessment: Land will be assessed using current land prices per county.

Training: Training for facility employees will be provided for environmental protection knowledge on site.


Consultation: A phone consultation will provide assistance to owners when needed to ensure proper environmental protection measures are in place. In-person consultation will occur when taking water and soil samples as well as dealing with any wastewater issues and implementing BMP’s on site. 


Environmental Protection: Proper protocols will be in place to ensure environmental compliance at the facility. Permit requirements will be adhered to along with reporting requirements as well as ensuring the facility maintains wastwater and chemicals properly.


Pollution prevention: Education about how best to prevent pollutants from ending up in the water will occur. Educational workshops will ensure compliance at each facility.


Water policy and regulatory support: Oklahoma regulations related to the cannabis industry will ensure water policy regulations are followed. A regulatory framework will be followed to ensure water regulations are adhered to.


Quality assurance (QA) and QWAPP: Quality is key when ensuring environmental compliance and each facility will receive a QA for their operations.


Waste management: Waste management is handled by Enso Solutions. 


Mapping: A map of where water and soil samples are taken. Wastewater will be mapped out along with locations of BMP’s.


Water Resources Management and water reuse: Managing water resources properly will ensure water needs are met with water reuse being considered and implemented when possible.


Pond and wetland assessment: Ponds and wetlands located on-site will be evaluated to ensure pollutants aren’t impacting these resources. Where possible, BMP’s will be implemented.


Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI): These will be implemented when possible on-site at each facility. Facilities will have to be ready to invest in these practices if these options will help achieve environmental compliance and prevent pollutants from entering the watershed.



Road projects and environmental compliance


Water Quality